
Monday, April 2, 2012

Fwd: Our AWESOME trip to High Tech High

JUST NOTICED:  This original blog (created in the waning hours of March 19th) was not successfully sent.  Although my email notes this as sent, it did not show up in the blog.  Sorry!  I blame sketchy internet connections at the hotel in San Diego. 

Subject: Our AWESOME trip to High Tech High

We learned a TON today!  Wow!

Some general background on HTH:
Opened in 2000
Currently have 5 high schools with approximately 550 students /school
Graduation rate 100%
100% of graduating seniors continue to a post secondary education with a high majority attending
       a four year college or university
Over 80% of these students complete a degree

The goal at HTH is to develop learners who create beautiful work and are successful in their high school and college career.  Some of the major take-away ideas we had were:
      *critique as an integral tuning process for both students and teachers
      *great projects grow out of great question
      *we saw how the project is the learning framework; the content and various methodologies    
             were components; and the major emphasis was creating their best work that would be
              exhibited to the school and community
      *use of online technology to flip the learning (lecture homework)
      *show and discuss real world models of professional work to collectively emphasize
               characteristics of good works (student and teacher collaboration)
       *learning is based on relationships (student to student, student to teacher, teacher to
               teacher, school to community, school to home)
       *the three main things all students need to be successful in college
                Social capital (the ability to build relationships)
                Engagement in community/school

Barbara Bates
WSR High School

Friday, March 23, 2012

My Reflection As We Leave San Diego

These are my rambling thoughts as we depart for home. I do not intend to offend anyone or to be negative in any way. I believe that Project Based Learning has a place in the education of our kids at WSR and I am anxious to see where this journey leads us.

I don't know if the blog is the right place for this sort of post but I feel compelled to try to wrap up my thoughts and try to decompress from the amount of information I have taken in over the last 4 days. It was truly an incredible experience and one that I will never forget and one that has changed me for the better:

As we leave San Diego I would like to take some time and reflect on what I have had the privilege to witness first hand. All of the schools were unique and served their targeted clientele very well. Money was a huge concern from every school I visited. Even Hi Tech High struggled to make its ends meet.

In every school that we visited, the kids, teachers and administrators were there by choice. They were not forced to go to the school they were attending or forced to be given the type of instruction that they were receiving. They all knew what they signed up for when they did so. I believe that this is a vital key to their success and I would not recommend forcing this type of instruction on any teacher or student. In my opinion, we would be setting that teacher or student up for failure.

All of the schools are purposefully small. None of the schools we visited had the enrollment that Waverly-Shell Rock has. Their reasons for this vary but much of it boiled down to the fact that by being small the teachers can get to know their students much better and they can do a much more effective job of educating their students. In the California Public School System, due to budgetary reasons, class sizes have reached an average size of over 42 students per class! At the schools we visited many of them have class sizes at a much more manageable 20 or fewer per class. With this smallness, the schools are not able to offer electives like we do at WSR. We saw no band, choir, orchestra, business, or ag classes. Only the schools that specifically targeted constuction or engineering had any sort of Industrial Tech program. Of the schools I personally visited, only Hi Tech Hi offered art. Industrial Tech and business were infused into some of their projects. There were no separate Business classes at any of the other schools I visited.

I was truly astonished at the number of Charter schools that the state of California has. In Iowa, there are only a few and those are in part, an attempt of certain districts to attract more students. I believe that meeting the needs of their current students was a secondary reason for their Charters development. Considering the state of education and the class sizes as they are in California, it stands to reason that these schools have popped up. My guess is that this trend will continue as things worsen, budgets continue to tighten in California, and parents continue to search for an effective and safe way to educate their children. My hope is that the people of Iowa will continue to make educational funding a priority and use California as a cautionary tale of what could happen if our priorities change. You truly get out what you put in to things and the California Public School System is living proof of it.

All of that being said I was truly inspired by the teachers that I met wherever I went. They were all dedicated professionals and supremely gifted at their craft. No matter what school I was at I got the impression that the students, teachers and administration were all on the same page and truly connected with one another. More than once the word "family" popped up when describing the climate of a school. At Hi Tech Hi most of the students called their teachers by their first names. I remember when I first started teaching the students called me Mr. Steck or Steck and the Principal called into his office and let me know under no uncertain terms that this was not acceptable. My guess is that he would not have been a very good fit for HTH and their philosophy of education. The students I spoke to on this trip admired their teachers and looked to them for more than just instruction. Many of the teachers out of desire and necessity, acted as emotional and career counselors, disciplinarians, support staff, and a number of other duties that needed to be done to properly educate and support their students. The support they got from home was equally impressive. It is my belief that the parents of Wsr students are very supportive and appreciative of what we do here at WSR as well. Some of the students we met have to ride the city bus for over an hour in order to get to school and some parents drive an hour and a half just so their child can attend this particular school.

Like many states, California has exit testing that is required before a student is allowed to graduate and even in the Charter schools this emphasis on testing drives much of what they do because of the money that is tied to the successful completion of the test. The administrators and teachers voiced their frustration with this situation and many believed that this emphasis on testing is detrimental to the learning process that takes place in their schools.

Looking forward, I hope we are able to bring some of the PBL ideas we got from these schools. Selfishly speaking, I would love for my kids to be given this type of instruction. It is yet another tool in our box that can be used to effectively educate our kids. If we are to do it on a limited scale at WSR, inevitably, changes will need to be made in the approach we take to our school day. The most effective schools we toured have smaller class sizes. Instead of having 24-27 students in many of our core classes, it is my belief that we will need to reduce that number to less than 20 per class for those who choose to implement this type of instruction. That will have a ripple effect on the staff who are choosing to stay with their conventional style of instruction. If we choose to adopt this on a limited scale the number of students per class for those outside the program will begin to increase. I don't know if we would be comfortable with or if we had the space in our classrooms for 30 or so students per section. Would the district be willing or able to afford more teachers to keep the class sizes at current levels? How would these changes effect the climate of the school? Would some teachers think negatively about the other teachers who chose to teach this way and vice versa? What would the students outside of the program think of those who are in it? How could we make this work in our master schedule? Would this be something that we would adopt Pre K-12, 5-12, or just at the high school? What about funding for the projects? Would the responsibility fall on the school alone to fund things or would there be some sort of partnership with community organizations and businesses in order to make this happen? If so, who would head that up? There are lots of questions that need to be answered as we move forward with this. All I know is that if it can happen, the staff here at W-SR are the right people at the right time to get the job done.

What's our BHAG?

(here's the link)
And while I'm at it...

What's our BHAG, WSRSoCal?

What's our new narrative?

Just ran across Seth's Blog this morning. It's worth a read for us all as we jump back into the daily grind. What's our narrative at WSRHS? What different narratives did we read when we were in SoCal? Does our narrative need to change? What's our future narrative?

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

North County Trade Tech

North County Trade Tech High School was established four years ago and is proud to be graduating it's first class this spring. The school's charter listed PBL as a means to interest "reluctant learners". They seem to be finding success in this by using trades, particularly construction, and PTLW engineering courses to motivate student. The school population is largely male Latino. Plans to include culinary arts may attract a more diverse population. There are virtually no entry restrictions and the school is very reluctant to expel anyone. They are working with some of the toughest cases in the San Diego area. The school has an articulation agreement with trade schools and students potentially could became trade journeyman with a full complement of tools and no debt. North County is dependent on contributions for area businesses and has skilled volunteers helping students. The campus consists of two light industrial buildings and uses student designed partitions that double as white boards. A current cross-curricular project is studying and designing wind turbines. Students have shown very impressive gains on state testing and graduation rates. The principal was very frank about the resistance that we can expect to meet. These changes are always a work in progress, and we are not likely to be successful right away.
A fully functional "house built by NCTT students

Classroom at NCTT

Dehesa Charter School

Dehesa Charter School Background

Started by a group of home school parents that were seeking an environment where their children could collaborate with other students and prepare for college.

*Opened 2001 and served 1000 families at that time within their system
*Currently they serve around 12,000 families.
*11 learning centers
*Serve at risk, special education and TAG students
*Offer a hybrid education
*extracurricular options include mock trial, robotics competition, speech competitions,
and intramural sports
*All student, parents and teachers complete a learning profile to identify characteristics
*There are 2 paths to earn a high school diploma, one is a home school situation with a educational facilitator (this teacher is accountability piece for the state requirements), the other path is a studio learning approach. Students in this program attend school for needed classes. In both situations students have a personalized learning plan. Students enrolled in either of these plans can attend the community college for course work that is not offered at the school for college prep. Some of the methodology used in these programs are; face to face teaching, project based learning, online and home school material (extremely high parent involvement throughout)

Main Take-Away Ideas
*Learning profile survey for both students and teacher could be valuable (CORE?)
*Emphasize student choice in they way they learn (methods) which fosters their
motivation to learn
*There is not a "one size fits all" education...students should be given educational
options that enhance their natural learning styles.
*Online learning is most effective when blended with a school environment

A timely post

Came across this blogpost tonight. Thought it was relevant to many of the conversations we've had in the past few days.

Read and let me know what you think. Possible? Crazy? Off base?

Student Empowerment Academy

once again we saw the theme of smaller learning communities so it can become more of a family. The students work together to make sure everyone succeeds. When I asked about bullying, students commented that it really doesn't happen here. I think is is partially due to the kind of student in the program and the smaller learning communities but also because of the project based curriculum. Students learn to rely on each other to complete a project and be successful.

Escondido Charter High School

Tuesday, March 20 - 2012
Escondido Charter High School - Escondido, CA

Some general background on ECHS
* Opened in 1996
* Charter School/School of Choice
- enrollment NOT based on geography, but rather
student/parent preference
* founded on the principles of american hertitage and
the appreciation of american civilization and United
States history
* $6200 ADA per student
-total funding 30% less than public high schools
in California
-20-30% free and reduced population
* 30% of graduates attend 4 yr. college, 70% attend
2 yr. college or enter career/military
* Currently 2 programs of study at the high school
1) Individualized Learning Program (540 students)
- a year round independent study program that is
homework/packet driven
2) Traditional Classroom Program (350 students)
- structured similarly to W-SR High School

At our visit to ECHS, the bulk of our time was spent
investigating the ILP program, described above.
The following are some of the main components
(for better or worse) of the program that we were
able to take ascertain from our visit.

*Teacher of Record (T.O.R.)
- each teacher serves as a counselor and academic
planning facilitator
- each of the 18 teachers is responsible for a
maximum of 30 students
*they feel strongly in providing 1 on 1 interaction
and connections, as well as the reduction of the
number of students that a teacher interacts with
- each student meets with their T.O.R. for 1 hour per
week to ensure progress towards graduation
(checking 'homework' packets). Most academic
work is expected to be completed independently by
the student, outside of and prior to this once per week
meeting. The exceptions to this rule would include:
Science and Math labs, Spanish, and elective credits in
technology and other media courses.
- teachers have single subject credentials - but qualified
competent in all Core subjects

*Courses at ECHS-ILP
- typically are taken in the "one course at a time" method.
The average course length is roughly 10-12 weeks for
an entire years worth of curriculum. Students, however,
can advance to more than one course at a time, and can
complete courses faster in certain situations
- schooling occurs year round
- performance base/self-paced - course work must meet
minimum standards of quality and timeliness. Once both
of these are achieved, they may move on.

*Programs of Study
- time on campus depends on need
- students may attend traditional classes at ECHS-TCP, if
room exists in the class
- opportunity of earning community college credits
- 3 grad. plans: 210 credits(basic)
230 credits(general college prep)
260 credits(advanced college prep)

*Students at ECHS-ILP
- mix of students who need flex schedule for some reason
- do not take expulsions
- students can participate in virtually every extra curricular
activity that students from the ECHS-TCP can

Sent from my iPad

Escondido Charter High School - Home of the White Tigers

Sent from my iPad

Classical Academy

Yesterday we got to experience Classical Academy, a public charter school with a methodology drastically different from High Tech High. This school grew out of a homeschool network; the high school has been open for six years. We left there confirming that a typical public education does not meet the needs of all students. One size does not fit all.

Classical Academy offers three different courses of study for its high school students. The Studio Program is most traditional and most popular, with around 500 students. These students attend classes four days a week in a "traditional" classroom setting with the chance to meet with teachers on Monday if they need extra help. The Independent Study Program has a very low enrollment but allows kids to complete their coursework on their own with a once a week check-in with their teacher. The third program is new this year and is called the FLEX Program. This is a hybrid online/traditional classroom program in which students attend classes two days a week and complete the rest of the coursework online. This program is only available for freshmen and sophomores.

We didn't necessarily leave there with big takeaways of things we could do at W-SR, but we know that students learn in different ways and in different settings and that we need to strive to accommodate all of our learners. We have more in-depth knowledge of how a hybrid program works and things we should do and avoid if we adopt a program like this. Students involved in a hybrid program must be highly motivated and self-directed, as well as have strong parental structure and support. We thought that three offerings seemed like too many options and that they could probably do away with their Independent Study program because all students could benefit from at least some type of peer and face-to-face interaction with a teacher. Additionally, the Independent Study program Is not centered around project based learning, which is our ultimate goal.

We did see some things that we thought were benefits of the FLEX program. They really emphasized the advantage of being able to have students complete work at home that doesn't doesn't lend itself well to a classroom setting or that doesn't make the best use of time when interaction could be happening (reading and taking individual notes). There is virtually no discipline, making classroom management and other things easier. The teachers are also able to develop strong relationships with their students because they work with a limited number of kids.

Salient Themes

It’s Day Three of this trip, and my mind is swirling around the common themes I’ve heard so far:
  • The value of sustained thinking. Every school I’ve been to has developed their schedule in a way that keeps students engaged with a content area or learning experience for at least two hours at a time. As a team, we’ve experienced this value ourselves. Being able to step away from the hustle and bustle of every day life has given us freedom to sustain our thinking on a topic for long periods of time. How can we offer opportunities for W-SR students to sustain thinking to get to deep thinking?
  • Reducing the number of students any one teacher is responsible for. This, again, has been central in every single school we’ve been in. We’ve seen two-teacher teams with 58 students, one teacher with 30 students for all content areas and all four years, and everything in between. How can we modify the schedule or arrangement of W-SRHS to reduce the number of students any teacher is responsible for?  
  • One size does not fit all. We’ve seen programs we love and programs that we don’t so much love, but what we have learned so clearly is that one kind of program does not meet the needs of every student. How do we re-imagine our comprehensive high school to offer different pathways and experiences for different students? ...and I don't mean tracking. 
  • Outsourcing rote learning to technology. If we identify the rote, but necessary things in our curriculum, we can use tech based resources to "teach" and "assess" those things, freeing up the teacher to engage directly with students on deeper and more engaging things. 

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Life in a fishbowl

Barbara Bates
WSR High School
What would it be like to teach in a transparent environment where the walls seem non existent? What would it feel like to unleash ourselves from limiting constraints? Do we, as educators, see the "finish line" as getting our students to college or through college and beyond?

A few words from our students

Just last week we had a meeting of our Comprehensive School Improvement Process (CSIP) team. That team includes three of our high school students. The task of the evening was to envision what we want for WSR teachers. The three students completely captivated us all as they spoke with such wisdom and clarity about things we so often struggle to articulate. 

As we head out to day two of visits, I’d like to contextualize this trip in the plea we got from our students at the end of the CSIP meeting. They said:

Please understand that education is a personal journey. It’s an individual journey. We all have different goals and take different paths to reach those goals.

Have a vision for us, and help us create an individualized vision for ourselves. Allow us to guide ourselves more.

Be unconventional and contemporary. Don’t be bound by traditional means. Think of new and different ways to approach tasks.

Trust us.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Math in PBL

While I am inspired by what I saw at HTH, I was also a little disappointed. I hear "when am I going to use this?" on a many my classes. Project-based learning could give that answer so much better than anything I said. But HTH appeared to teach math in a less collaborative manner than other subjects. This seemed to be in response to concerning test results. The tests were measuring a traditional curriculum. A curriculmn that focused on proof and probability and statistics could be used to reinforce and support a wide variety of projects and provide rigorous math too. Changing the focus would meaning sacrificing the appearance of quality.

High Tech High Media Arts Building

We're here!

High Tech High

Our student guide Paisley at High Tech High
First stop on the California tour...High Tech High! We will be given an overview by administration, a student led tour, discuss midpoint questions over lunch with educators, be allowed to move freely throughout the school and engage with students and teachers and finally have post visit discussions with administration. It will be a full and rich day of learning for us!


On PBL and much, much more

We were travel-weary and struggling with the two-hour time zone difference, but that didn't deter a rich exploration of project based learning (PBL) last night. In case you didn't catch it last time I shared them, the articles we read in preparation for this conversation are: 

Since one our high school will be 1:1 iPads next year, one of our secondary goals on this trip is to get really comfortable using the iPad for learning. In that spirit, I used the Notability app to read and annotate these articles. 

It's currently 80% off in the iTunes store. Great for organizing virtual notebooks and syncs with Dropbox. 

But I digress...

With the heat on in my hotel room to combat the cold rain falling in Southern California, I read the articles in preparation for the evening discussion. Here are my thoughts/questions: 

Because I'm an administrator (and a D for my DISC-enamored friends), my thoughts always go immediately to, "So what's the next right step? What can we do tomorrow?" I will continue to explore this question--it's my main mission here--but I think I know some answers going into this work already. 
  • May Term/J-Term with a PBL focus--this is a conversation that's been bubbling under the surface for years in our district. When I hear about the mind-blowing things my friends at Spirit Lake did just this January during their LIVE J-Term, I know this is one of our next right steps. Everyone can involved in PBL this way--and it doesn't require throwing everything away and starting over. 
  • Teaming--create a schedule for a group of teachers who want to be able to throw everything away and embrace PBL every day. Figure out a way to let them share kids and time. Easier said than done, I'm sure--but not impossible. 
  • Seek and implement inquiry-based instructional practices in all content areas and all classrooms--this would make a great complement to May Term and J-Term and build nicely on some work with Science Writing Heuristic (SWH) and problem based math approaches we already have in place. 
  • Side note--If we do decide we want to jump in with both feet and just do this, I've decided that crazy hexmester schedule Steve Kwikkel (Middle School Principal) created is a great way to do it. 
Since one of my major responsibilities in the district is curriculum, I spent a fair amount of time and mental energy wrestling with curriculum issues. What I know is this--if we are truly going to embrace Teaching for Understanding (as the Iowa Core compels us to), inquiry-based approaches, and project based learning, we will have to value deep learning over wide coverage and agree collectively to a significantly narrower focus in terms of curriculum. And when I say significantly, I mean 5-7 big ideas (Power Standards) per year per content area--as opposed to the pages of content we require in Iowa after Common Core adoption. I'm totally willing to do this, but my struggle here is whether this is a battle we can win. Will we set our teachers and district up for shame and failure if we do so? The world of education is becoming increasingly accountable through high stakes test to content minutia. Take a good, hard look at your new Iowa Assessments. I believe the middle school math teacher who said to me, "Bridgette, no one needs to know this math." How do we balance this? We're going to have to collectively agree to let go of some things, and we need support from those to whom we're accountable to. I'd love to have this conversation with the folks at the Iowa Department of Education who are supporting our move to competency based education. 

A curriculum related thought for me is about how we can support the development of project based learning experiences. Many schools we're looking at reference project libraries or project based curriculum materials they've purchased. For us, I know this means we need to engage deeply in the #IACoPi work. We need the open source content AND the community of practice. 

More to come; much more to come. Thanks for following our journey. Please jump in the conversation with us.

Project-Based Learning (PBL)

Barbara Bates
WSR High School
One of the key educational philosophies utilized in the schools we are about to visit is PBL. Using a real-world relevant project as the main driving force behind learning is very powerful. Due to the relevance that is continually present during the unit rather than just as an extra,, student engagement, curiosity and sustained learning elevate.

I found a terrific resource from High Tech High entitled "Work That Matters". I tried to attach the
PDF file through this post. I am uncertain if this will be successful or not. If not, this and a multitude of project ideas and publications can be found on the HTH home page under the "projects" heading.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Something Einstein said sticks with me

Something like...

"I'm not smarter than other people. I just stay with problems longer."

Great discussions here in the motel lobby regarding 21st century learner.


Major iPad workshop occurring in Cali.

Barbara Bates
WSR High School

Sent from my iPad
Things I have learned so far: 1. I really need to update my iPad. 2. I have a lot to learn about blogspot, blogsy, and twitter. 3. Chuck Buseman has very bright ideas. :)

Tech Learning before Dinner

Here we are in San Diego!



An Inquiry Based Journey

I’m joining a group of W-SR high school teachers who are embarking on an inquiry-based learning project. This trip is paid for with Teacher Quality and Professional Development funds set aside for W-SR High School. We will be documenting our learning here. Please join us with questions, comments, and interactions.

Follow our journey as we visit six different schools over the course of three busy days to explore the following questions and more:
  • What is project-based learning?
  • What does personalized learning look like, sound like, and feel like in the 9-12 setting?
  • What role do online and hybrid classes play in the high school of the today and tomorrow?
  • What is our vision for Waverly-Shell Rock High School? 

We will be visiting the following schools:




Test Post!?

I am just trying this stuff out!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Link to a teachers guide to Project based learning. I just downloaded - 58 pages - have not yet had the chance to read but did glance and there is some of the documents I am reading about in the earlier book I mentioned. And ITS FREE - i think here is the link Deb

Understanding PBL

We're doing some pre-trip reading to help us all understand what project-based learning is all about. Thanks for these great articles, Mr. Fox!

What is PBL?

Main Course, Not Dessert

Essentials for Project-Based Learning

We invite you to read these too and post comments and questions for discussion.
New to this so bare with me. I spoke of a book I am reading from High Tech High - so here is the link you click on it and the place to download the book (only $2) is on the right side, if any one is interested - so far I am on page 80 and lots of great info.